Traveling to America to study at a High School is an experience you’ll remember forever. Whether you live with your host family on a ranch in Ohio, a small town in the heartland of the Midwest, or the suburbs of an exciting city like Santa Clara, California, you’ll experience everyday life in America. Leaving home and coming to America for several months is a big decision, and High School Exchange USA is a smart choice. We work with most reliable High School Program Sponsors in the USA.

2017/2017 High School Exchange student Gaamaa J., Colorado, USA


Face The World Foundation (FTW) is a nonprofit educational and cultural exchange organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Since 1980, FTW has promoted global learning and exchange by offering opportunities for international high school students to experience life in the U.S. The goal of cultural exchange programs is to provide students, host families, schools, and communities with a quality experience that will not only enhance personal growth but also will establish lasting friendships.

The Academic Foundation for International Cultural Exchange (AFICE) is a non-profit, tax-exempt, educational foundation giving high school students from many countries around the globe the opportunity to live in the United States as a member of the local community. AFICE’s goal is to create bridges of understanding between the peoples of the world by starting at the basic level with personal relationships. AFICE believes that student exchange is a crucial ingredient in the recipe for world peace.

14 thoughts on “High School Exchange USA

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